Gas Boiler Service
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RGI Registered

Register of Gas Installers

John Brady Boiler Services is fully insured as required to qualify for registration with the RGII.

Where required, an RGI Declaration of Conformance Certificates will be issued on completion of work. 

The 2006 Act makes it mandatory for a Registered Gas Installer (RGI) to issue a Completion Certificate for all Gas Works carried out. Completion Certificates are supplied to RGIs by RGII. To facilitate the wide range of Gas Works undertaken, there are three different types of Declaration of Conformance Certificates (Completion Certificates):

  • CERT 1: For new or existing gas installations requiring a new meter fit i.e.requiring a connection to the gas network.

  • CERT 2: For boiler replacement on existing gas installations with a gas meter already fitted.

  • CERT 3: For existing gas installations with a gas meter already fitted to cover all other Gas Works i.e. appliance fits (except boilers), pipework, safety check, repair work and servicing of gas appliances, etc.